PDF⋙ Feminism and Men by Nikki van der Gaag
Feminism and Men by Nikki van der Gaag
Feminism and Men by Nikki van der Gaag PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Many young women exist in a world very different from that of their grandmothers. In many countries they can vote and stand for Parliament, earn money, have the choice of who they want to marry, or whether to marry or not. In others, there has been a backlash against these rights, but even here, most women recognise that these rights exist even if they cannot claim them. But what about men? Though they still hold the power in the boardroom, in parliament and often in the family too, their attitudes towards women - and towards themselves - have often changed very little over the decades. Has feminism itself left some men confused and others angry with concerns that 'men are losing out'?
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