PDF⋙ The Weaving of a Dream (Picture Puffins) by Marilee Heyer
The Weaving of a Dream (Picture Puffins) by Marilee Heyer
The Weaving of a Dream (Picture Puffins) by Marilee Heyer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A retelling of the Chinese folktale “The Chuang Brocade”The Weaving of a Dream is the story of a widow who provides for her sons by creating intricate brocades. One day, she trades a brocade for a beautiful painting of a palace. She then spends years lovingly recreating the scene in brocade only to lose her work on a windy day. After everything she has done for her family, her youngest son seeks to recover the lost treasure, traveling through terrible weather and rocky terrain.
Great for ages 5 and up. Beautiful and vibrant full-color illustrations.
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