PDF⋙ German Nazi Party Awards (Collector's Guide) by Christopher Ailsby

German Nazi Party Awards (Collector's Guide) by Christopher Ailsby

German Nazi Party Awards (Collector's Guide)

German Nazi Party Awards (Collector's Guide) by Christopher Ailsby PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Due to the fact that German military awards have spiraled in value in recent years, the Collector’s Guide to German Nazi Party Awards 1919-1945 is a prime opportunity to tap in this international market and provide a useful and practical guide for collectors of such memorabilia. The book features eighty to ninety medals, fully illustrated from the author's extensive collection, including such medals as the Munich Putsch, Blood Order, and the German Order, which in current market conditions are expected to fetch more than £20,000-£100,000 each. Unlike military medals within the Third Reich structure, the Nazi Party Awards were issued within the Nazi hierarchy as well as to foreigners; the Art and Science Award has been deemed as the “Nobel Prize,” for example. The latter was encrusted in platinum and diamonds and only one copy is known to exist and was presented to the Third Reich’s vice chancellor (the medal resides in Christopher Ailsby’s collection).

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