PDF⋙ Contractarianism / Contractualism (Wiley Blackwell Readings in Philosophy)
Contractarianism / Contractualism (Wiley Blackwell Readings in Philosophy)
Contractarianism / Contractualism (Wiley Blackwell Readings in Philosophy) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Contractualism/Contractarianism collects, for the first time, both major classical sources and central contemporary discussions of these important approaches to philosophical ethics. Edited and introduced by Stephen Darwall, these readings are essential for anyone interested in normative ethics.
- With a helpful introduction by Stephen Darwall, examines key topics in the contractarian and contractualist moral theory.
- Includes six contemporary essays which respond to the classic sources.
- Includes an insightful discussion of contractualism by Gary Watson.
- Includes classic excerpts by key figures such as Hobbes, Rousseau, and Kant, and recent reactions to this work by philosophers, including David Gauthier, Gilbert Harman, John Rawls, and T. M. Scanlon.
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