PDF⋙ The Curse of the Pharaohs' Tombs': Tales of the Unexpected since the days of Tutankhamun by Paul Harrison

The Curse of the Pharaohs' Tombs': Tales of the Unexpected since the days of Tutankhamun by Paul Harrison

The Curse of the Pharaohs' Tombs': Tales of the Unexpected since the days of Tutankhamun

The Curse of the Pharaohs' Tombs': Tales of the Unexpected since the days of Tutankhamun by Paul Harrison PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Curse of the Pharaoh’s Tombs is the definitive book on Ancient Egyptian tomb curses, providing new information and data never before published whilst exploring the many incidents and deaths associated with tomb curses. The book puts the record straight on matters which have been wrongly recorded by others, such as the legend of Tutankhamun, as well as presenting new data never before published associated with matters such as the torment Howard Carter suffered before his death. It also contains exclusive information and interviews with the family members and archaeologists associated with the curses, including experts at the British Museum and Cairo Museum.

Paul Harrison also covers the history of Egyptian tomb curses, why they were placed at the entrance to some tombs and not others, as well as the frightening reality of mummification after death in Ancient Egypt. Closer to home, the hundreds of deaths and haunted tube station (Museum) which are associated with the curse of Amen-Ra (housed in the British Museum) is covered along with the mysterious deaths and tragedy associated with Cleopatra’s needle on the Embankment of the River Thames.

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