PDF⋙ Broadway Lights (Secrets of My Hollywood Life) by Jen Calonita

Broadway Lights (Secrets of My Hollywood Life) by Jen Calonita

Broadway Lights (Secrets of My Hollywood Life)

Broadway Lights (Secrets of My Hollywood Life) by Jen Calonita PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Hollywood teen queen Kaitlin Burke packs up her entourage (showbiz family, friends, assistant, and publicist, but unfortunately not the dreamy boyfriend) and moves to the Big Apple for the summer for her Broadway debut. Kaitlin is the toast of the town and she hits the most exclusive New York nightspots, enjoys the best food (Hello, Magnolia Bakery!), and even guests as a celebrity host on Saturday Night Live.

But New York isn't all cupcakes and virgin daiquiris. Long distance and a handsome new costar put a strain on her relationship with Austin, and it turns out Broadway divas are a whole different breed of neurosis and competition from Hollywood starlets.

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