PDF⋙ Revenge of the Mistress (Love & Revenge) by cydney Rax

Revenge of the Mistress (Love & Revenge) by cydney Rax

Revenge of the Mistress (Love & Revenge)

Revenge of the Mistress (Love & Revenge) by cydney Rax PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A mistress-turned-wife with a dream marriage gone wrong. The perfect plan for payback. And fallout so explosive even winning may mean losing it all. . .

The new Mrs. Rashad Eason can't believe it. She dreamed, schemed, and seduced her way to media adoration and a fairy tale wedding to the lover she stole from his wife. But the honeymoon phase turns into something more shattering when the groom begins to reminisce about his ex, Kiara, and devises a plan to win her back. No way is Nicole going to stand for this. If she can't be the picket-fence wife, she'll be the picture-perfect, very rich widow. And sexing her ex-con first love will ensure his help—and keep her hot and satisfied through those lonely grieving nights. . .

But in the game of love and revenge, everyone has a score to settle. And when karma rears its ugly head, no one can stay safe. To keep her own hands clean, Nicole must spin new lies, flip new scripts—and deal with the ultimate betrayal. Keeping her enemies close means igniting secrets and revelations even Nicole doesn’t see coming. And as an avalanche of scandal threatens to shatter everything she’s trying to keep, the last woman standing may be the biggest loser of all . . .

Praise for If Your Wife Only Knew

“A dramatic tale of betrayal.” —Booklist

“Secrets, scandal, betrayal and revenge–there are no clean hands in the first book of this saga.” —RT Book Reviews

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