PDF⋙ The Boy Nevada Killed: Floyd Loveless and the Juvenile Capital Punishment Debate (True Crime) by Janice Oberding

The Boy Nevada Killed: Floyd Loveless and the Juvenile Capital Punishment Debate (True Crime) by Janice Oberding

The Boy Nevada Killed: Floyd Loveless and the Juvenile Capital Punishment Debate (True Crime)

The Boy Nevada Killed: Floyd Loveless and the Juvenile Capital Punishment Debate (True Crime) by Janice Oberding PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

At seventeen, Floyd Burton Loveless became the youngest person ever executed by the state of Nevada. What led him to that end was just as tragic. Following a series of family catastrophes, Loveless was a petty thief by age twelve and a confessed rapist at fifteen. Sentenced to seven years at an Indiana state boys' reformatory, he escaped after a month in custody. The ruthless teen robbed his way to Carlin, Nevada, where he shot and killed a constable who spotted the stolen car he was driving and confronted him. After a protracted legal battle, Loveless died in the gas chamber on September 29, 1944. Author Janice Oberding recounts the sordid details that sparked national controversy over the constitutionality of juvenile capital punishment.

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