PDF⋙ Being Black in Scarlet by Lynell Nolan
Being Black in Scarlet by Lynell Nolan
Being Black in Scarlet by Lynell Nolan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Being Black In Scarlet details the experiences of a career policeman. It describes how his boyhood dream of becoming a policeman was realized in ways he could never imagine. The story spans a period of almost thirty-two years, twenty-five of which were spent inthe Royal Canadian Mounted Police. It offers a rare glimpse inside the prestigious organization and describes how the career of the author was impacted by the systematic discriminatory practices encountered by Blacks and other Visible Minorities who dared to speak openly. This insider's look at the inner workings of the RCMP details the life changing experiences of a quiet, idealistic police officer who, in order to maintain his sense of identity and integrity, was forced to become an advocate for Visible Minorities. The emotional effects and the repercussions of his actions are clearly documented. Throughout the story, the challenges of family life and other personal experiences are entwined with professional and career struggles and milestones. Through this intimate look at the man and the organization, the reader is reminded that the choices we make each day shape our lives in imperceptible ways and ultimately determine our legacy.From reader reviews:
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