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Cloud Computing for Enterprise Architectures (Computer Communications and Networks)

Cloud Computing for Enterprise Architectures (Computer Communications and Networks)

Cloud Computing for Enterprise Architectures (Computer Communications and Networks) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This important text provides a single point of reference for state-of-the-art cloud computing design and implementation techniques. The book examines cloud computing from the perspective of enterprise architecture, asking the question; how do we realize new business potential with our existing enterprises? Topics and features: with a Foreword by Thomas Erl; contains contributions from an international selection of preeminent experts; presents the state-of-the-art in enterprise architecture approaches with respect to cloud computing models, frameworks, technologies, and applications; discusses potential research directions, and technologies to facilitate the realization of emerging business models through enterprise architecture approaches; provides relevant theoretical frameworks, and the latest empirical research findings.

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