PDF⋙ Health and Medical Biomagnetism: Biomagnetic Pair by Gerardo Sánchez

Health and Medical Biomagnetism: Biomagnetic Pair by Gerardo Sánchez

Health and Medical Biomagnetism: Biomagnetic Pair

Health and Medical Biomagnetism: Biomagnetic Pair by Gerardo Sánchez PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

“Health and Medicinal Biomagnetism, Biomagnetic Pair”, is a document prepared with the intention of assisting in the implementation of Bio Medical Magnetism by therapists. It is a brief summary of discovered the altered biomagnetic balance of the human organism because of micro pathogens, glandular dysfunction and other possible etiologies causing harmful imbalance of pH, resulted in the discovery of the "Biomagnetic Pair."

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