PDF⋙ Featherweight Boatbuilding by Henry "Mac" McCarthy

Featherweight Boatbuilding by Henry "Mac" McCarthy

Featherweight Boatbuilding

Featherweight Boatbuilding by Henry "Mac" McCarthy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

It is Mac's mission to open your eyes to the natural beauty around you. He does so by, providing this course to create and use an ideal double-paddle canoe. The Wee Lassie is practical and beautiful, lightweight and strong, and will carry you to water-ways that are inaccessible in most boats. Mac draws on years of experience teaching hundreds of people in his shops, and at our WoodenBoat School here in Maine. The Wee Lassie is a strip-built boat, an especially forgiving building technique for the first time builder. This book contains everything you need to build -- step-by-step photographs, clear text, diagrams, plans -- and the inspiration to keep you going.

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