PDF⋙ Singularities: Dance in the Age of Performance by Andre Lepecki

Singularities: Dance in the Age of Performance by Andre Lepecki

Singularities: Dance in the Age of Performance

Singularities: Dance in the Age of Performance by Andre Lepecki PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

How does the production of performance engage with the fundamental issues of our advanced neo-capitalist age?

André Lepecki surveys a decade of experimental choreography to uncover the dual meaning of ‘performance’ in the twenty-first century: not just an aesthetic category, but a mode of political power. He demonstrates the enduring ability of performance to critique and subvert this power, examining this relationship through five ‘singularities’ in contemporary dance: thingness, animality, persistence, darkness, and solidity.

Exploring the works of Mette Ingvartsen, Yvonne Rainer, Ralph Lemon, Jérôme Bel and others, Lepecki uses his concept of ‘singularity’―the resistance of categorization and aesthetic identification―to examine the function of dance and performance in political and artistic debate.

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