PDF⋙ Scripture by Heart: Devotional Practices for Memorizing God's Word by Joshua Choonmin Kang

Scripture by Heart: Devotional Practices for Memorizing God's Word by Joshua Choonmin Kang

Scripture by Heart: Devotional Practices for Memorizing God's Word

Scripture by Heart: Devotional Practices for Memorizing God's Word by Joshua Choonmin Kang PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Why memorize the Bible? In our information-saturated society, with so many details to take in, the idea of memorizing Scripture can seem overwhelming--like one more task on a checklist. But pastor Joshua Choonmin Kang has discovered what happens when we do spend time memorizing God's Word: We grasp a larger, truer picture of God. We more closely and more often imitate Christ. We worship God "in Spirit and in truth." We're better able to fulfill God's mission. However, Pastor Kang also knows that memorizing Scripture isn't easy. The process itself, like the transformation it brings, doesn't happen overnight. Scripture by Heart is therefore his help for your growth in this important practice. He offers here
  • 30 short devotional readings that motivate you to memorize God's Word
  • spiritual practices interspersed throughout that teach you how to memorize
  • specific help for persevering when you feel stuck or overwhelmed
  • a step-by-step approach that roots Scripture in your mind and heart
There is no substitute for God's Word and no shortcut to having it dwell in us. But there is help here for the journey. Pastor Kang's words and wisdom can guide you into a new relationship with the living Word, and the God it reveals.

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