PDF⋙ Introduction to the Counseling Profession: Sixth Edition
Introduction to the Counseling Profession: Sixth Edition
Introduction to the Counseling Profession: Sixth Edition PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Introduction to the Counseling Profession is a comprehensive overview of the history and foundational concepts of counseling, offering the most current and relevant breadth of coverage available. Students will gain insight into the myriad issues that surround not only the process of counseling and its many populations but also the personal dynamics that have an impact on this process. The contributed-author format provides state-of-the-art information from experts in their respective fields while maintaining a consistent structure and message.
This edition has been brought in line with the 2009 Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) standards and includes chapters on each of the CACREP specializations. Topics rarely treated in other introductory texts are addressed, such as research and writing in counseling, technology and counseling, and self-care and growth.
This edition includes new pedagogical features such as sidebars and more case studies to expand on key topics, as well as new chapters on:
- Cross-Cultural Counseling
- Self-Care and Self-Growth
- Individual Counseling
- Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
- Addictions Counseling
- Student Affairs and College Counseling
A collection of supplemental resources are available online to benefit both instructors and students. Instructors will find PowerPoint slides and test banks to aid in conducting their courses, and students can access chapter summaries, exercises, and other tools to supplement their review of the material in the text. These materials can be accessed at http://www.routledgementalhealth.com/cw/Capuzzi
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