PDF⋙ Illustrator CS4 Bible by Ted Alspach

Illustrator CS4 Bible by Ted Alspach

Illustrator CS4 Bible

Illustrator CS4 Bible by Ted Alspach PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The ultimate comprehensive guide to everything from drawing basics to advanced techniques* Adobe expert Ted Alspach reveals the latest on Illustrator CS4's new features and thoroughly explains how to integrate Illustrator with the rest of Creative Suite 4* Teaches you step-by-step how to create designs that work beautifully, whether in print or online* Covers the basics of drawing, painting, coloring, and uncoloring* Offers essential tips for mastering paths, masks, blends, patterns, transparency, and type* Introduces you to enhanced Smart Guides and a new Crop Area tool* Demonstrates how to work in multiple pages with CS4's new Artboard tool* Packed with practical tips and tricks to improve designs and conquer the Web with scripts and online design techniques

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