PDF⋙ Stolen Sharpie Revolution 2: A DIY Resource to Zines and Zine Culture by Alex Wrekk
Stolen Sharpie Revolution 2: A DIY Resource to Zines and Zine Culture by Alex Wrekk
Stolen Sharpie Revolution 2: A DIY Resource to Zines and Zine Culture by Alex Wrekk PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Since 2002 Stolen Sharpie Revolution has been the ultimate guidebook to all things zine related. This little red book is stuffed with information about zines. Things you may know, stuff you don t know and even stuff you didn t know you knew for the beginner to the experienced zinester.Stolen Sharpie Revolution consists of how-to guides on a variety of topics from layout to book binding to papermaking, resources online and off, where to find zines, information about zine libraries, how and where to get your zine distributed, reviewed and more!
For 2009 Stolen Sharpie Revolution has been completely rewritten and expanded to 144 pages with new a layout and includes the previous informtion, updated resource listings for stores, distros, zine events and zine libraries. It will also contain all new sections on zines in academics and education, a guide to the US postal system, what to do at a zinefest, how to start a zine fest, lots of internet resources, and more!
This book has everything you need to get started creating your own zine or to figure out what to do with the zine you already made. Stolen Sharpie Revolution 2 can serve both as an introduction into the wide world of zine culture, and the next step to being a part of it.
Stolen Sharpie Revolution 2: A DIY Guide to zines and zine cultures is printed with vegetable based inks on 100% recycled paper and bound with animal free glue!
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