PDF⋙ Models and Stratigraphy of Mid-Cretaceous Reef Communities, Gulf of Mexico (Concepts in Sedimentology & Paleontology) by Robert W. Scott
Models and Stratigraphy of Mid-Cretaceous Reef Communities, Gulf of Mexico (Concepts in Sedimentology & Paleontology) by Robert W. Scott
Models and Stratigraphy of Mid-Cretaceous Reef Communities, Gulf of Mexico (Concepts in Sedimentology & Paleontology) by Robert W. Scott PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Models and stratigraphy of mid-Cretaceous reef communities, Gulf of Mexico. Publisher: Tulsa, Okla. : SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), ©1990. ISBN: 0918985838 9780918985835. OCLC Number: 22764399 Description: iv, 102 p. : ill., maps ; 28 cm. Series Title: Concepts in sedimentology and paleontology, v. 2. Other Titles: Mid-Cretaceous reefs. Responsibility: Robert W. Scott.From reader reviews:
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