PDF⋙ The Book of Magic Squares (Volume 2) by Jain 108

The Book of Magic Squares (Volume 2) by Jain 108

The Book of Magic Squares (Volume 2)

The Book of Magic Squares (Volume 2) by Jain 108 PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is about the Translation of Number into Art: The Atomic Art of Magic Squares. “The Book of Harmony Squares” Vol1, published in 1990, explored Magic Squares of 3,4,5,6,7. This compendium explores M.Sqs. of 8,9,10 + the Visual Multiplication Table will be dealt with in full in Volume 3. This is a unique and original activity book, a draw-your-own mandala colouring-in pad book, just by drawing Dot-To-Dot. The definition of a Magic Square is that the sum of its columns, rows and diagonals are equal. The Source and Centre of the Tibetan Calendar and Cosmology is the ancient Magic Square of 3x3. Its Constant or magic Sum is 15 Is numerologically a Name of the Lord, as are all magic Squares. By joining 1 to 2 to 3 etc to the last number, certain crystalline patterns or Yantras are created. Like Spirograph, the pattern may be repeated or rotated upon itself at any chosen angle, usually at 90 degrees. And viola, Maths becomes Art, Science and History. Magic Squares have become a symbol that unites many Cultures. There is a whole chapter based upon the Visual Multiplication Table, that we all know, but never realised that it is a window into the true atomic structure of Rutile and Platinum Crystal. These re-discoveries exist in no other book. It is vital that your children are exposed to these archetypes of Lost Knowledge. Certain M.Sq. Artforms like the Swastika and Star of David may offend certain readers. Rather, the purpose is to present the Unity of all cultures and acknowledge their common foundation of spiritual/galactic mathematics. Both these symbols are derived from the M.Sq of 3x3, the original and primal vibration of Equality, of Order amidst Chaos, and of Unity amidst Division. May this book bring Healing and or Remembrance of your omnipotent and omniscient Selves.

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