PDF⋙ Condensed Matter: Applied Atomic Collision Physics, Vol. 4

Condensed Matter: Applied Atomic Collision Physics, Vol. 4

Condensed Matter: Applied Atomic Collision Physics, Vol. 4

Condensed Matter: Applied Atomic Collision Physics, Vol. 4 PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Applied Atomic Collision Physics, Volume 4: Condensed Matter deals with the fundamental knowledge of collision processes in condensed media.

The book focuses on the range of applications of atomic collisions in condensed matter, extending from effects on biological systems to the characterization and modification of solids. This volume begins with the description of some aspects of the physics involved in the production of ion beams. The radiation effects in biological and chemical systems, ion scattering and atomic diffraction, x-ray fluorescence analysis, and photoelectron and Auger spectroscopy are discussed in detail. The final two chapters in the text cover two areas of ion beam materials modification: ion implantation in semiconductors and microfabrication.

This text is a good reference material for physics graduate students, experimental and theoretical physicists, and chemists.

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