PDF⋙ Indigo Dreams: Adult Relaxation-Guided Meditation/Relaxation Techniques decrease anxiety, stress, anger
Indigo Dreams: Adult Relaxation-Guided Meditation/Relaxation Techniques decrease anxiety, stress, anger
Indigo Dreams: Adult Relaxation-Guided Meditation/Relaxation Techniques decrease anxiety, stress, anger PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Experience four research-based, stress management techniques that are accepted and used by both the traditional medical and holistic communities. You will not find any philosophies, theories or fluff presented here because frankly, we do not have time for that and chances are neither do you. Enjoy and learn four stress-management techniques; diaphragmatic breathing, affirmations, visualizations, and progressive muscular relaxation accompanied by soothing, uplifting music to further enhance your relaxation experience. Now you can watch your whole family manage stress and anxiety!From reader reviews:
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