PDF⋙ Hawaii Marine Mammal Identification Guide (Laminated Single Sheet Field Guide) (Hawaii Field Guides) by Rainforest Publications
Hawaii Marine Mammal Identification Guide (Laminated Single Sheet Field Guide) (Hawaii Field Guides) by Rainforest Publications
Hawaii Marine Mammal Identification Guide (Laminated Single Sheet Field Guide) (Hawaii Field Guides) by Rainforest Publications PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Identify the whales and dolphins you'll see while exploring the waters around the Hawaiian Islands. Waterproof, durable with UV resistant inks, 7"x11" (17.85cm x 28cm), the perfect size. Single sheet. Double sided.
Beautifully detailed scientifically accurate illustrations by Uko Gorter, a well regarded scientific and natural history illustrator who specializes in marine mammal illustration.
Each illustration includes the name of the cetacean in English and Latin along with a couple additional notations such as size. The Hawaiian name for the monk seal is included, for example.
Rainforest Publications' Hawaii Marine Guide Series was developed in conjunction with Sunburst Publications. Our wildlife guides are the perfect companion if you're a naturalist, critter watcher, or adventure traveler.
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